Big News. You Can Now Talk To 2.4 Billion Humans — Roger for Android is live.

Ricardo Vice Santos
Roger Talk
Published in
3 min readMar 1, 2016

It’s official, we’re now live on both Android and iOS.

Just a few weeks ago, we shared the news of our $1 million in funding, and it’s almost surreal that today, we reach yet another major stepping stone in our mission of humanizing modern day communication. While we have never been as connected as we are today, we rarely talk to each other anymore. There are many apps with microphones, but few encourage actual conversations.

Since the release of our iOS beta on the App Store two months ago, something amazing started to take place. Roger gathered tremendous praise from the likes of The New York Times, TIME Magazine, and TechCrunch among others. But the most heartwarming feedback, came from the thousands, across more than 120 countries, who have been using Roger to talk with their loved ones, often engaging in conversations that lasted up to hours. Many, like Howard Van Langenberg from Toronto, even started talking with us, sharing their stories:

I prefer talking to people, and that’s what drew me to Roger in the first place — it focuses on voice, with crystal clear quality, and without any other distractions.

I’ve been talking on Roger almost every day with my sister and a childhood friend, both living in Australia. Just a simple conversation like ‘How’s your day?’ means a lot to us since we live 16 time zones away. I’m really looking forward for Roger to launch on Android as well, so I can do the same with my brother.

As an expat, Howard’s story is one I relate to on a personal level. Being able to casually converse with friends and family, outside the curated world of social media and messaging, is a privilege I’d long lost. Others, such as Carrie Schaffer from Arizona, have shown us once again how even simple conversations allow us to understand the world from different perspectives— what it’s like to empathize with others.

For visually impaired people, we don’t have the luxury of looking at pictures so a lot of us enjoy hearing sounds.

When I’m out and about using Roger, the great sound quality allows me to hear the atmosphere and get a very brief snapshot into someone’s life. There’s definitely something special in that.

When I spoke to Juan Alicea, another visually impaired user, he reinforced the power of simplicity, and also revealed that there is even more to ‘voice’ than we had previously thought:

When I heard about Roger, I decided to check it out and I’m really glad that I did. The audio is outstanding, I love it. Thanks for making it so accessible and always listening to my feedback. It’s really awesome.

No matter if it’s to a family member living a few time zones away from you, or a friend that you’re thinking of reconnecting with, or maybe even if you’re just looking to be able to talk once again, we believe that everyone has a story to tell.

What started out as a simple goal of helping us talk more often with our loved ones, has led us to create a global platform for genuine conversations to take place, no matter where you are. That’s why we’re really excited to finally be live on Android in addition to iOS, and invite 2.4 billion of you to the conversation.

Thank you, and let’s talk more often.

Roger is available for free on Android and iOS.

