Getting to Bill Stack Zero: Why our users pay before the due date

Many Roger users pay their bills before the due date. On average, they pay their bills three days before the original due date written on the invoice! We were surprised by that but in time, we’ve learned more about why. Keep reading if you want to find out, too.

Mads Christensen
2 min readMar 22, 2018


From our users, we have learned that the option to press pay now in their Roger app helps them in so many ways. Among others, it quickly takes away some of their worries and it makes their financial flow more manageable. Instead of leaving the bill on the kitchen counter, letting it collect dust and build up bad conscience, Roger helps getting it out of the way in a second, helping you achieve what we could call “Bill Stack Zero”.

“Bill Stack Zero”: getting your bills out of the way and out of your life!

Bill Stack Zero doesn’t only benefit your own piece of mind, it actually benefits the biller on the other end as well. Many companies that invoice our users experience time and again that their customers become more proactive and reliable when they use Roger to pay their bills. This provides the companies with a much more stable cash flow and ensures their liquidity.

Overall, we see two main reasons why our users pay their bills before the due date (besides, of course, that they are awesome):

  1. Using Roger to pay bills demands a much smaller effort than other ways of paying bills. As a user you almost don’t have to think about it, as it happens so fast and virtually by itself. You simply take a photo of the physical bill with your Roger app or forward the digital bill to your own, unique RogerAddress, and voilà!, it is ready to be paid with one click. Indeed, if you hand out you RogerAddress to your creditor, they can send the bill directly to your Roger account.
  2. Roger is kind of a game. With our Roger Loyalty Program, we make sure that our users are motivated to pay their bills on time, as this will provide them with benefits the more they use Roger.

For us, the team behind Roger, our main motivation is to make the lives of our users easier and more worry-free. We know we’re already helping many of you out there achieve Bill Stack Zero, and we’re sure that we can help even more!

