Bastien shares his developer experience

Published in
3 min readMay 28, 2021
Bastien LE REST CTO of Rogervoice

As CTO of Rogervoice, Bastien has led the company’s development since 2015, handling the full stack from app to telecom servers to data. He takes a rare moment off to share his experience.

What is your background ?

I’ve been passionate about computing and telecommunications since I was a child. I set up my first Asterisk server when I was 14 years old. I then got a Master of Computing Science from both EPITECH Paris and from Kent University in UK. I love tackling new challenges every day.

What is the ultimate goal/motivation for Rogervoice?

My goal when I joined Rogervoice was to make phone calls accessible to the greatest number of people possible worldwide. We have come a long way since, especially in France, but a lot still needs to be done internationally.

How many customers use the free version? Subscription? How has that growth changed/evolved?

We have over 50.000 users who call an average of 6 contacts each; benefitting an estimated 290.000 persons.

What sort of feedback have you gotten from users? Have you changed things from that feedback?

They’re highly demanding! They do expect a flawless service, and that expectation is justified since we’re talking about telecommunications here. Who wouldn’t want to have a smooth call experience?

How important are the visual components to the Rogervoice app?

Super important! Generally, services aimed at improving accessibility didn’t really stand out for their designs. We want to make accessibility attractive, and to provide the best user experience possible, and that includes offering visuals that are eye-catching.

How many languages is Rogervoice compatible with? Sign language too?

With Rogervoice, users around the world can see their calls transcripted in real time on their app in 125 different languages. In France, Rogervoice callers can also choose to have their calls translated in sign language via a video call option connecting them to sign language interpreters.

Do you have plans to change/expand Rogervoice? What are you currently working on with the app?

We work everyday to improve Rogervoice: for example this year we’re adding voicemail transcription services on the app and will enable calls to 911 emergency numbers in the US, among other things.

We also invest time and resources on R&D such as a system aimed at detecting different emotions in the voice of the caller and displaying these to the screen through emojis in our transcriptions to users. When you are reading a written text, in this case a call transcription, your understanding of the communication can change drastically: when someones says “I’m fine” with a sad dismissive voice it’s not the same thing as when someone says “I’m fine” with an enthusiastic and happy tone.

How many employees did you start with and how many do you have currently?

I remember when we were only a handful of people at the very start, and when I look around me today I see a big crew sharing the same values and vision : just like a family, it starts off as a couple and you soon find yourself surrounded by an increasing number of people: sometimes unexpected but always very welcome!

Does the company make other apps? Rogeraccess? Are there development plans for any others?

Yes we have developed Rogeraccess, a widget web application integrated into our clients’ websites making their customer support hotlines accessible to hard of hearing people directly from their websites. Concretely, this means that calls can be made simply by clicking on the widget on the clients’ websites.

Want to join Bastien and his team in making phone calls accessible worldwide ? 🚀 Rogervoice is hiring 👇




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