The First Signs of Spring at Rogue Farms

The first rhizomes have pushed their hop bines up through the most recent snowfall, claiming the season for spring.

Rogue Ales & Spirits
2 min readMar 6, 2017


The first bines of Rogue Farms Freedom Hops pushing up through the March snow.

Don’t be too surprised if you don’t see them when you visit in the next couple of weeks. We’ll have to cut back this first growth so the second growth of the season will have double the energy and nutrients, in turn producing a higher yield.

Hop sprouts aren’t the only signs that spring is nearly here.

A leaf taking form on a Prickless Marionberry cane.

Our two acres of Prickless Marionberries aren’t waiting around either. You can see the first leaves forming, smaller than a pinky nail. These berry canes will hold nectar-filled blossoms our bees will forage on to produce honey for our Honey Kolsch and, later, the and the sweet, juicy berries for Marionberry Braggot.

Come April, the bees will flutter from flower to flower, capturing the true terroir of Rogue Farms.

In a few short weeks, we’ll begin stringing the hopyard. It’s impossible not to feel excited and invigorated this time of year as we get ready to roll up our sleeves and Grow the Revolution!

Join us at the Rogue Farms Chatoe Tasting Room, now open from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m., Wednesday through Sunday.

Originally published at on March 6, 2017.



Rogue Ales & Spirits

Rogue Ales & Spirits crafts world-class ales, lagers, meads, spirits, ciders and sodas for Rogues around the World. #RogueAles #RogueSpirits