Rogue Fox Guild Updates | 03.06.22

Anna Stoilova
Rogue Fox Guild
Published in
5 min readJun 4, 2022

AMA summary & announcements

This post is to present latest RFG news and developments as announced on 02nd June 2022’s AMAs.

The truth is, a lot has been happening behind the scenes in the past few weeks. We’ve had more weekly АМАs than Medium posts. With this post, I’ll try to summarise what we’ve been working on in the past few weeks:

Last month’s updates

In May, we focused on 3 key things:
1. How we show RFG to the world — our website, integration of the interactive map & marketing show and tell
2. How we work internally — team expansion and internal processes
3. How we can fund our next stages of development

How we show RFG to the world

We completely re-worked our website’s homepage and fine tuned our messaging to show and tell more the game, rather than the Genesis NFT collection (the NFT part is now a tab on our website).

Check out our revised website here:

To the moon!

This Vulpgard concept art is quite exciting, and is only the foundations of a lot more to come in the first “Social Hub” that we build in the main city of the Windy Plains — Vulpgard.

Curious to see how the interactive map looks? Currently open to NFT holders, if you own an RFG NFT, you can go to the “Game” tab on our website, connect your wallet and get into the game area where you’ll be able to access the Windy Plains.

How we work internally

We made quite a few team hires, which is super exciting.

Shay GuldbergHead of Marketing
Shay has many years of experience in marketing, coming to us as a VP of Marketing leading both on strategy and execution. She’s excited about marketing in web3, and will lead this aspect with both creativity and structure.

Amelia SanterreТokenomics Expert
Amelia is a Master’s student at Newcastle University, studying MSc International Economics and Finance! Amelia stood out to us by sending us a great analysis of Stardew valley’s game & economy loop. She is going to help us with the game economy & tokenomics.

Jowan DawesStrategic Advisor
Jowan is a 4x Co-founder, experienced entrepreneur and has been in crypto for quite a few years! His roles include Co-Founder & Strategy Chief @ MusiciaNFT & Founder & CEO @ Based Capital. He knows quite a lot about investment and startups, and one of his passions in the NFT / web3 space is to help music artists expand their revenue into the new & exciting realm of NFTs.

We’ve also optimised our internatal processes and databases, which is both boring & exciting!

How we can fund our next stages of development

We came up with a plan of action of how exactly to fundraise in the next 2 months. We are going ahead with our original plan of fun

With the help of our advisors, we’ve got a plan of action and a structure in place to make sure we’re best placed to raise funding and fuel our growth.

So there are some important key points of what’s happened in the past few weeks, but what’s next?

What’s next — June 2022

Mint next week

We’re excited to announce we’ll be minting in less than a week!
Starting on the 09 June for OG foxiz, there will be different pricing and price points: OG, Arctic and Public pricing.
For more information, check our Discord here.

Tropical whitelist

We’ve introduced a one-of-a-kind whitelist. Welcome the Tropical Whitelist!
The Tropical Whitelist (TW) gives you:
• Cheapest price for minting — OG pricing!
• Access to silver and gold meetings
An exclusive airdrop

There are only 20 TWs available! By completing this set of tasks you will have more chances to get a spot in our Limited TW.
Enter the Tropical whitelist here.


In the past month, we finalised some partnerships with key projects for us like Real Nifty, The Lynx Club, Northern Guilds, Castle of Blackwater and Intergalactic Gaming.
We have that even more on our radars, and can’t wait to finalise these partnerships!

Game — what’s next

Clothes are coming to the Avatar viewer! 🎉
We already have a couple of items ready, and by the end of the week, all clothes will be fully integrated in the viewer, so you can properly see how your Foxy looks fully clothed!

Social Hub
We’re now working on the first Social Hub in the city of Vulpgard!
This is where we plan to get you to chat with your friends, visit the marketplace, eventually own a house, and do more exciting stuff, still to be revealed…


Games, games, games!

As you know, our community is all about gaming. There are daily games happening, and people love ‘em! There have been some polls around the types of games, so we’ll be adding a variety of games, based on community feedback. The timing of the games can also change, based on the general wishes of the community.
Furthermore, the notification roles have now been changed to opt in instead of opt out roles, so make sure to go in the channel and subscribe if you want to be notified for updates!

For all community updates, as always, check out the amazing friendly Rogue Fox Guild community and join the gang here:

Rogue Fox Guild is a post-apocalyptic multiplayer play-and-earn game.
Log in with your unique foxy NFT avatar, quest through the Barren Lands, loot and trade.

NFTs from the Genesis collection have exclusive rarities and unique rewards.

Join the RFG community on Discord, follow us on Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, Linkedin or check all of our links here.

