Enough! A Comprehensive List of Things Which Really Piss Me Off

Like USB sticks, flying, sports, shopping, but mainly people, definitely people.

N.J. Elliott
Rogues’ Gallery


Source: Pixabay.Com

People are annoying. Like sometimes really annoying.

You know it, I know it, there is no use in feeling guilty about it. Have you been outside? Have you seen the people?

Having a positive mindset all the time is an unrealistic aspiration. Sometimes we need to release all that negative emotion. Well, in the appropriate safe space and without the use of violence of course.

There is a lot of advice on Medium and 90% is total crap. I know, I’ve written some of them.

‘7 ways to be amazing’

‘How to build the life you always wanted’

‘How I made $10000 in my first 3 months on Medium’

Whilst there are some brilliant and talented writers on this platform, it is becoming increasingly clogged up by generic self-help rubbish.

The one piece of advice I can give to immediately improve your mood is this — grab a pen and some paper and make a list of all the things that really annoy you.

Nothing beats a good old-fashioned rant. Here is my list.

  1. Self-service checkouts…



N.J. Elliott
Rogues’ Gallery

Writer. The war on drugs, mental health, education, psychedelics, and others.