Don’t Try to be Anyone’s Rock if You’re a Pile of Rubble

The only person you owe right now is yourself

Kristi Keller
Rogues’ Gallery


Christmas is one big bundle of obligation at the best of times. Add 2020 into the mix and we have one magnificent ball of clusterfuckery.

We’re all trying to figure out how to make this holiday season as normal as possible when we know that normal doesn’t exist right now. Let’s not pretend that millions of people haven’t lost jobs, livelihoods, and loved ones this year.

Instead, let’s call it like we see it and admit that nobody’s Christmas will be as merry as it usually is. No one is coming home for the holidays and if they are, they’re probably breaking a law or two in doing so.

The majority of us are struggling in one way or another this year and some of us will be lucky to accomplish getting out of bed for the holidays.

I don’t want to get out of bed on Christmas morning, and I certainly don’t want to pretend to be festive when the most important human in my life became an angel this year.

Yet, there are other important people still with me and the weight of my loss rests on their shoulders too. But I don’t feel like trying to add joy and merriment to anyone’s Christmas. I don’t feel it’s my job to show up, never mind lift up anyone during the…



Kristi Keller
Rogues’ Gallery

Write like no one is reading, because it might be true. Never let the truth stand in the way of a good story.