I Was Accused of Being a Racist

…because I didn’t agree with the white supremacists

Ingela Canis
Rogues’ Gallery


Photo by Sherise . on Unsplash

The last couple of months have been interesting. Or, mindblowing actually.

Bear with me as I try to reason through this mindf**k.

“When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time” ~ Maya Angelou

I’m aware of my white privilege. More so every day. I’m also learning how much more I have to learn. How much more there is to become aware of…

In light of recent events, one of my Facebook posts sparked some unexpected outrage. It was regarding the “pretend-patriots” proudly showing off their idiocy in Michigan. Their antics would never have been tolerated had it not been for their skin color. I thought this was pretty obvious to people who are capable of actual thought.

In my naivete, I actually thought that everybody except the most KKK-like scum could see this farce for what it was. A discussion was, and is, needed. And I wanted to have one. A real, honest talk with people who recognize that things are not right and wish to improve things.

I wanted a serious discussion about inequality that has been taken to its absurd extreme. But what I learned would actually almost be funny if it…



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