It Suddenly Hit Me

What am I going to write about after the election?

Stephen Sovie
Rogues’ Gallery


Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

I don’t write for a living, to supplement my retirement income, or necessarily to make money, so I don’t write regularly. I primarily write to express my opinion or feelings about what is important to me. And that usually leads to me writing about politics or social issues. Because Trump, his enablers and supporters, are in direct opposition to the values I hold dearly and even my own existence as a gay person, I write a great deal about politics. With the election less than 3 weeks away I suddenly realized that this could all change, depending upon who wins the election.

If Trump wins a second term there definitely will be much I will disagree with and write about. But this may change. With Trump’s known disdain for dissent, criticism may not be allowed. With his own personal fixer, Attorney General Barr, Trump has already proven he will attempt to silence his political foes or anyone who criticizes him. We all know how much he hates the media when they tell the truth about his corruption, lies, and misdeeds. If he wins the election he will see it as a coronation of his perpetual leadership. Freedom of the press and freedom of speech will be only a memory.

If Biden wins the election I will at least feel safer, with the government in the hands of a sane and rational leader who…



Stephen Sovie
Rogues’ Gallery

A liberal retiree who loves writing about politics, social issues, my pets and my life experiences. You can buy me coffee here,