Medium is Not a Platform for Tearing People Down

If you can’t get with the program, please, just go away.

Sherry McGuinn
Rogues’ Gallery


Source: Flickr.Com

Like a fly on a wall, I’ve read with interest some of the postings documenting “dust-ups” between other writers, here on Medium.

This platform is becoming quite the theater. A theater of the absurd. Where is all this anger coming from? All this pissy behavior? It would be funny if it weren’t so…disturbing.

When I signed up for Medium, nearly a year ago, I was excited to have found an alleged “safe place” where I could respectfully speak my mind. Or, my “truths” if you will. I have a lot to say and I don’t hold back. But, I don’t attack people — with the exception of the Orange Troll.

I’ve been sarcastic, yes. Biting, most certainly. I write with an edge and good or bad, that “edge” reflects who I am.However, and I hope I’m not mistaken, I’ve never gone after anyone with the same venomous vigor that I’ve witnessed from certain other writers.

There’s a reason that we have such technology as private messaging. If something one of our fellow writers has put down is offending us, or hurting us in any way, why aren’t we using this technology? People seem to get a charge out of publicly attacking others, that’s why. They get off on it. That’s the mark of a true coward, in my…



Sherry McGuinn
Rogues’ Gallery

Long-time writer and big-time dreamer. Screenwriter. Cat mama. Red lip aficionado.