My God Not Again,

I’m writing about Medium

Stephen Sovie
Rogues’ Gallery


Image by Mike Goad from Pixabay

I don’t believe it, but here I am writing about Medium again. When checking my stats I have, like many writers here, noticed a drastic drop in views. That is except for the articles I have written about Medium.

I am so sick of sitting down and writing my fat little heart out about something that I have a very strong passion for or sharing a story of my beautiful beloved dogs only to have it treated like a piece of shit along the Medium path to irrelevance. My stories about Medium, like every other story written on Medium about Medium, are just a rehash of the same old shit. These articles must catch the eye of all of the newbies here hoping and praying to become the next great Charles Dickens or Ernest Hemingway. We all were sucked into these articles at the beginning, but why haven’t we moved on?

Usually, when I see an article about Medium I ignore it. If I’m bored and the title is catchy I’ll read and immediately kick myself for being so gullible. It reminds me of when I scroll through Facebook and see ads about great new treatments for COPD. As a COPD sufferer, I know that there are not new effective treatments, but I click on the ad anyway, only to feel like a sucker.

Lately, the articles about Medium have pointed out, that for many writers, views and revenue have dropped dramatically. I…



Stephen Sovie
Rogues’ Gallery

A liberal retiree who loves writing about politics, social issues, my pets and my life experiences. You can buy me coffee here,