No, I Will Not Have a Blessed Day

“Why I Am Not a Christian” unearths the poisoned roots of religion

Jean Campbell
Rogues’ Gallery
Published in
4 min readJun 26, 2021


Photo by Malcolm Lightbody on Unsplash

In 1927, the philosopher and social justice icon Bertrand Russell gave a talk at a town hall in London. His friends and admirers asked that it be made into a booklet and published. The talk has an intriguing and direct title which, by itself, stirs up controversy.

He went on to explain why he was not a Christian.

Whenever Christianity has a problem with itself, it splits into another fragment, ostensibly under the banner of reform. This is currently happening with the Southern Baptists, who do not find their leadership traditional or conservative enough, even though their current doctrine supposes that all of the Bible can be literally interpreted as a guide for modern life.

Russell posited many arguments for why belief in God was ludicrous, irrational, and self-serving. In addition, he pointed to things Jesus said and did that reveal a man who was very much human, vindictive, and capricious.

But he concluded his talk with recognition of something the non-religious among us already know. Religion is based on fear.

Faith is a form of denial

