Reasons I’m Still Single: Episode #341

Because making fun of someone is long overdue

Kristi Keller
Rogues’ Gallery


Thank god for Facebook memories. I may have forgotten how much of a bitch I can really be if not for these episodes that keep popping up, years after they’ve occurred.

Nah, I’m joking. I’ll never forget how much of a bitch I can be.

Either I’ve been crusty a long time, or men just haven’t evolved. Maybe the fact that they haven’t evolved is the reason I’ve been crusty a long time.

Is it the chicken or the egg? The mystery lives on.

I don’t know how much more ranting I can do about online chats with men before you all knock me out with a sledgehammer and unfollow me. But I just cannot and will not stop. It’s far too amusing at other people’s expense.

The Episode

The most unfortunate part about this one is I can’t remember the guy’s name, so I can’t add him to my hall of famers, with the likes of Mike and Gbus.

The most shocking part? He acted surprised at the end of my tirade, meaning he truly has no clue.

On December 26 — yes, boxing day — this popped up on my Facebook memories from a few years ago. I had to screenshot it for future use because it’s what I do. I’m on a mission to humiliate…



Kristi Keller
Rogues’ Gallery

Write like no one is reading, because it might be true. Never let the truth stand in the way of a good story.