Sherry Does Corporate!
Part 3: The Town Hall Meeting (urp)
That was me throwing up in my mouth.
Why? Because I just Zoomed into a meeting that I was “invited” to attend at my freelance gig, called, as the title of this story infers, a “Town Hall Meeting.”
Now, I’m not sure if other workers in other industries are subject to this embarrassing display of corporate hubris, but in the advertising and marketing industries, such meetings are legendary. For their God-awfulness.
Throughout the years, I’ve had to attend more of these inane gabfests than I can count and each one has proven to be worse than the last. In that regard, they never disappoint!
When I was a full-time employee of this marketing agency that I’m currently freelancing for, one of the big muckety-mucks used to stage these “roadshows,” where he’d travel to our various offices throughout the country and bloviate for two hours.
In the Chicago suburb where my office was located, we’d all have to trundle over to a movie theater to watch this guy do his thing. This was first thing in the morning, mind you, and rather than have breakfast food available for us hungry urchins, the company placed bags of stale popcorn on our seats.