The Appropriate Response To News Of Trump’s COVID-19 Diagnosis

Helen Cassidy Page
Rogues’ Gallery
Published in
6 min readOct 2, 2020


Snark, concern, thoughts and prayers? None of the above?

The left is mocking POTUS for mocking social distancing and masks and getting COVID-19.

The right is mocking the left for mocking the president for mocking Hillary, the Khan’s, the disabled reporter, and Joe Biden for wearing a mask and then getting the virus.

MAGA is lecturing the libs on tone when the president has a life-threatening illness.

What tone? the libs say. The tone he used when he put kids in cages? Or, the tone he used when he told our numbers would be better if we didn’t count sick Democrats?

So now, with news that the president has contracted the coronavirus, we have one more thing to divide our nation.

If only we could find the right tone to talk about this all-important issue.

Should we, who oppose his re-election, be compassionate and wish him well after the harm he has done to our country?

And could his supporters understand our outrage at some of his hypocrisies that have put us in another crisis?

Yes, it all seems to be asking too much.



Helen Cassidy Page
Rogues’ Gallery

Writer, editor, researcher, aging expert, life coach, sand tray coach. Read one of my 55 titles on Amazon: