The Tornado, the POA, and the Angry Entitled American

We seem to have forgotten the basic facts of life

Jean Campbell
Rogues’ Gallery


Photo by Tierra Mallorca on Unsplash

The average age in my community is 67 and 95% of us are white. Many community members are ready and willing to volunteer, care about where they live, and get along with our Property Owners Association (POA).

But this story isn’t about those good people — it’s about a subset of older, white Americans who’ve got it made in the shade but that’s not enough.

A significant percentage of old white people in my community are angry. They are angry they don’t have a bigger house, or it isn’t on a lake or a golf course.

They are angry we live in a gated community but people can sneak in.

But mostly, they are angry someone has authority over them.

The Angry Entitled American and the Kitten

There was that guy, who lives in a giant mansion on one of our lakes, who left a kitten in a box outside the Animal Control office one evening, as dusk was setting and coyotes howled in the distance.

The Animal Control office has a sign on its door that reads:

“Do Not Leave Pets Here”

