Wear a Mask and Save a Life

Wearing a mask isn’t political it's science.

Estacious(Charles White)
Rogues’ Gallery


When did science become vilified? We see a thousand people dying each day from a virus we can mitigate. We must wash our hands, social distance, and wear a mask.

Three easy things we can do without thinking. Science has proved it. A recent study stated that only 49 percent of Americans wear a mask. It continued by highlighting that if we raised that number to over 90 percent, we could save 100,000 lives.

The study isn’t perfect, but it does offer insight into the impact of mask-wearing. Two simple loops around the ears could save someone’s loved one. A piece of cloth over your nose can ease this pandemic dragging its filthy finger across the landscape.

Some of us ignore science now. When did politics invade science and discredit its validity? It seems that science is debating for its very existence against conspiracy theories and misinformation. If you speak of science to the wrong person, you’re a liberal.

A person is a liberal for believing in science. A discipline that, in most cases, is fair and unbiased in its purity. Bad Science becomes a tool of oppression when used to inject black men with a deadly disease or marginalize minorities.



Estacious(Charles White)
Rogues’ Gallery

I am a southern writer and teacher living in the midwest. I focus on education, poetry, and fiction. I am an award-winning playwright. estaciousw1914@yahoo.com