The Art of Direction

Rohan A. Farrell
3 min readMar 27, 2016

I met up with a few friends from my past. We had not seen each other since Secondary School and like any good reunion we began to reminisce about the past and what we are doing at the moment.

During our conversation I learnt a lot about their current careers, new interests and future goals. All this made me wonder; how did a guy that used to sniff gel pens in school become a Doctor?

“Your future is created by what you do today, not tomorrow”
- Robert Kiyosaki

Intrigued and at the same time confused I began to think about fate and how much of the choices we make are really our own? I looked at my own life for answers as a way of visualising the steps I have taken which have led me towards a life as an Art Director.

Thinking back to as far as I can remember I would say I was always pretty stubborn. I knew what I liked doing and put my all into doing my best at it. One of the reasons how I knew what I liked is because I tried most things. I was a very curious kid, who often went on a tangent jumping from one phase to the next, subconsciously learning about oneself; likes and dislikes.

“You are what you think about all day long”
- Dr Robert Schuller

My main interests at an early age was nature, drawing, photography, music, sports and computer games. To be honest; not a lot has changed! I have come to realise these hobbies all stem from a moment in my past and can be merged together to represent subjects I took in School; Psychology, Media Studies, Art and Design and Design Technology. I see these subjects as byproducts of the decisions I made as a child and likewise the career is a byproduct of these subjects.

I believe most people are a product of their environment and it's what happens and what’s in that environment that shapes them into the person they are today. My environment was mostly filled with the tools necessary to turn me into a creative and looking back I can see cue to why I like certain things. One example of this is me getting my first phone; it was the Nokia 7210. The first Mobile which had a camera attachment. I would always take pictures and this moment is probably an insight into why I’m so visual and have a strong yearning for photography.

In short, these are the steps I have taken in my life which have led me towards the direction of my art:

Step1 one; Take a moment to think about what your hobbies are, what you love doing and what makes you happy?

Step two; Find a career that revolves around what you like doing, that way you can only get better are what you do.

Step three; Stay focused on your hobbies. Continue better yourself and learn from others who are better than you.

“Once you make a decision, the universe conspires to make it happen” - Ralph Waldo Emerson

To conclude, everyone needs to find his or her own calling in life. I have taken the steps needed to find mine and I believe I’m heading in the right direction.

