How to Increase Sales on a Shoestring Budget

You’ve got to spend money to make money. Right?

Tabitha Jean Naylor
Scott D. Clary


You’ve got to spend money to make money. Right?

Well… maybe. The truth is that it it’s not that simple.

Many of the tried and true marketing tricks you read about do require a substantial budget. But some don’t.

In fact, there are ways to increase your sales even if you’re running on a shoestring budget. It’s all about getting creative and taking chances with your marketing where it makes sense to do so.

So, with that in mind, here are some super-effective marketing tricks that can help you grow your sales without blowing through your (small) budget.

Use Customer Feedback to Create New Products or Services

This first technique can be free — or nearly free. Basically, what you’re doing is talking to your existing customers to find out what else you can do for them.

Let’s look at a simple example. Say your company creates and prints custom business cards. By talking to your clients about their other printing needs, you may be able to attract additional business without spending anything on advertising.

