How To Upsell With A Value Ladder

Stack Your Offers To Sell In Sequence

Caelan Huntress
Scott D. Clary


Photo by Brian Jackson on iStock

Have you ever been offered a free sample in a grocery store? Maybe it was a bite of a bagel, or guacamole, or a little sausage on a toothpick. Something small. Something new, and interesting. Something free.

After taking a bite, were you asked to become a shareholder in that company? Were you asked to become a distributor, and turn your garage into a warehouse full of their product? Were you asked to take out your phone and tell your friends and family about it?

Probably not. At most, you were offered the chance to put something new into your shopping cart. This is the power of free samples — they lead to a small purchase, and not a big one.

Free samples can quickly gain you little sales, but they rarely get you big sales. That’s why you need a Value Ladder.

Big Sales Are Never The First Step

Would you pay $10,000 for an hour of someone’s time?

If you traded business cards with someone, and they offered you a $10k coaching session right away, I’m fairly certain the answer would be ‘no.’

But still, some coaches can charge $10,000 an hour for their time. They can do this by making ascending offers. Stacking your offers in a…



Caelan Huntress
Scott D. Clary

I help busy professionals transform their performance, maximize their impact, and create exceptional experiences. I wrote the book on Marketing Yourself.