How to Find the Perfect Brand Domain Name

How to Give Your Business an Advantage Online

Andy Kinsey
Scott D. Clary


Photo by Markus Winkler from Pexels

Business owners around the world often think that a domain is just an address for their website, they think they can pick anything and it won’t matter because it will work out well for them. But a domain is so much more than just an address.

A domain is the first thing your potential customers see.

A domain is on all of your business cards, it’s on all of your social media, it’s on all of your business emails and it’s how people will remember you.

Here are my 7 tips for picking a top-notch domain for your business, whether it’s a start-up, a rebrand or you are growing. You’ll be able to a nail a great domain with the help of these 7 tips.

Be a Brand

As I mentioned above, your domain is the face of your business. So brand it up.

Whether its a personal brand, like mine ( — a name) or a large business like google which owns domains like too, or obviously smaller companies or organizations make it branded and memorable.

Keep it short too is usually the keep.

Don’t Be Tempted to Shorten Everything

