ROKKEX at Blockchain Life & World Blockchain STO Summit

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3 min readMay 2, 2019

After the Easter, three members of the ROKKEX team hopped in the plane and went to the largest and most important conferences on blockchain and crypto that took place this May. We came back with our first win! Check the details below!

Blockchain Life Asia 2019

The first stop was in Singapore. The Lion City hosted Blockchain Life forum for the 3d time attracting more than 3000 attendees. We believe that the forum brings real value to the blockchain and crypto industry as since 2017 crypto legends have been visiting it to exchange news and experience.

At Blockchain Life, ROKKEX CMO — Mindaugas Savickas gave a speech introducing ROKKEX (btw, we’re at the demo stage now! Check it!). He elaborated on the problems crypto exchanges have today and how we’re going to solve them, our roadmap and financial projections, and plans for future — STO campaign for building a securities exchange platform.

And we took the 3rd place at the startup pitch-session passing over 17 other candidates!

(from left to right: CISO — Evaldas Ūsas, CEO — Lukas Krikštaponis, CMO — Mindaugas Savickas)

Being chosen as one of the most valuable and promising startups proves that we’re moving in the right direction!

World Blockchain STO Summit

Three days passed, and on April 28 we headed to Dubai to visit World Blockchain STO Summit.

This is one of the first professional digital securities and security token conferences. Being a comparatively new word in the crypto industry, STO events already have the specialists who provided solutions and expertise at the summit. In our turn, ROKKEX CEO — Lukas Krikštaponis, gave a problematic speech “Why we haven’t started STO (yet)”. He was speaking about the licenses needed to start STO, what are the pitfalls, and the climax of the speech was devoted to an explanation of why ICOs have the potential to bring down the crypto market.

We learned more about Security Token Offering, understood the innovative concept deeper, and met some remarkable projects.

The end of April and the beginning of May were full of events: not only we managed to represent ROKKEX for a world community but also launched a demo version of our exchange.

At ROKKEX, we take security extremely seriously and our crypto exchange is built on ‘Security First’ principle. We want to share our expertise with the broader public for the world to become happy, safe, and wise :)

If you have any ideas and suggestions, contact us at

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Security First! ROKKEX is a cryptocurrency exchange built by cybersecurity and fintech professionals. Start trading now!