2021 Photo Reviews w TCP Classic Film Presets 2021

LI Sam
6 min readDec 30, 2021


It only takes 3x photos out of the 350… I actually organized the photos in this article in 30mins with post-processing.

This year has been a very prolific year, with an excellent number of shots, but of course, it was still a trial run, a simple street shoot… I bought the GFX 50s2 at the end of the year to shoot wide-angle street photography, and I had a lot of fun shooting and found a new direction and goal to shoot…

This time, I’m sharing some of my favourite photos from 2021 with the latest TCP Classic Film Preset For Lightroom 2021… The number of TCP negative style files this time around is sufficient. I had a lot of fun with the different adjustments at the same exposure values below and the Noritsu HS1800 negative scanner. The Portra 400 / Portra 400+2 is perfect for portraits and everyday use…

35GM+A7R3 + LRv11 + TCP Kodak Portra400 + 2ev +Noritsu HS1800
Leica 50APO+ M10D+ LRv11 + TCP Kodak Portra400 + 2ev +Noritsu HS1800
Leica 50/1 v4 + M10D+ LRv11 + TCP Kodak Portra400 + 2ev +Noritsu HS1800
周八枚+ M10D+ LRv11 + TCP Kodak Portra400 + 2ev +Noritsu HS1800
Leica 35/1.4 11874 + M10D+ LRv11 + TCP Kodak Portra400 + 2ev +Noritsu HS1800
Leica 35/1.4 11874 + M10D+ LRv11 + TCP Kodak Portra400 + 2ev +Noritsu HS1800
Kinoptik 50/2 APO + M10D+ LRv11 + TCP Kodak Portra400 + 2ev +Noritsu HS1800
Contax G45+ A7R3 + LRv11 + TCP Kodak Portra400 + 2ev +Noritsu HS1800
Rollei 40mm F2.8 LTM+ M10D+ LRv11 + TCP Kodak Portra400 + 2ev +Noritsu HS1800
Leica 90mm F2.8 Fat 9+ M10D+ LRv11 + TCP Kodak Portra400 + 2ev +Noritsu HS1800

I also use a lot of Kodak E100G negative style files, and the -1EV version has a reddish image…

X100v+ LRv11 + TCP Kodak E100G-1 +Noritsu HS1800
X100v+ LRv11 + TCP Kodak E100G +Noritsu HS1800
35GM+A7R3 + LRv11 + TCP Kodak E100G+1 ev+Noritsu HS1800
35GM+A7R3 + LRv11 + TCP Kodak E100G+1 ev+Noritsu HS1800
Rollei 40mm F2.8 LTM+ M10D+ LRv11 + TCP Kodak E100G+Noritsu HS1800
Minolta G-Rokkor 28mm F3.5 LTM+ M10D+ LRv11 + TCP Kodak E100G+Noritsu HS1800

The Fujifilm 400H was also a common negative style file used by the author in the digital age.

Contax G45+ A7R3 + LRv11 + TCP Fujifilm 400H+Noritsu HS1800
Contax G3570+ A7R3 + LRv11 + TCP Fujifilm 400H+Noritsu HS1800
35GM + A7R3 + LRv11 + TCP Fujifilm 400H+2ev+Noritsu HS1800
35GM + A7R3 + LRv11 + TCP Fujifilm 400H+2ev+Noritsu HS1800
G35M+ M10D+ LRv11 + TCP Fujifilm 400H +Noritsu HS1800
VE50APO + A7R3 + LRv11 + TCP Tmax400–1ev+Noritsu HS1800
GR3+GW3+ LRv11 + TCP Tmax400–1ev+Noritsu HS1800

The author’s opinion is that in the digital age, it is pointless to emphasize Fuji, Leica, and Sony colors, if you know a bit of post-processing, taking RAW files, and simply applying different negative style files and fine-tuning them, you can have a wide range of colors…

Personally, when shooting straight out, you need a high level of understanding of the camera settings. I feel that the emphasis on straight shots requires a high level of knowledge of the camera settings and the need to make appropriate adjustments for different light conditions and weather to get better straight shots…When changing to a new camera, I have to adapt again…With Fuji and Ricoh, you can shoot RAW first and then process the RAW files with the camera body to get the same effect, but the overall operation is not so convenient…

Even if you use the same negative style file, you may think that the final image of the photo will be affected by the use of different fine-tuning tools and the addition and subtraction of values, so the aesthetics or perception of the picture needs to be cultivated or everyone has fixed preferences. …Some people feel that there is nothing to be proud of when using negative style files. Still, in fact, the age of the negative or the fact that you are shooting with a negative today, from the time you choose to take a photo with a Portra 400, Ektar 100, RDP3, the final style of the photo is already directly influenced by the final effect. …


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LI Sam

Leica, GR3, Sony, Minolta & Film user, Street Photographer based in Portugal… 小小的器材控,近年學習放下器材,走進行頭小巷拍攝生活日常的小事小景 https://linktr.ee/samlee.hk