Contax G16 16mm F8 T* Hologon Carl Zeiss ~~~

The Eye of God under the Digital World

LI Sam
Published in
17 min readJun 16, 2021


Beware that the G16’s focus may block the body button, which already happens with the Leica M6.

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Dr. Erhard Glatzel’s 3-blade, 3-component Hologon lens developed in 1964, with 110-degree vision, constant aperture F8, and almost zero distortion
Zeiss Ikon Hologon Ultrawide integrated body, similar to the Hasselblad SWC, buy the body free the lens.

Hologon Ultra wide angle lens

“Hologon lens is the most legendary superlens in the ultra-wide angle lens, but also the most amazing lens that can be bought. It was invented by the legendary Dr. Eehard Glatzel in the early 1960s and can produce images without aberrations within a 106° angle. The word “Hologon” comes from the Greek word “holos”, which means “all”, meaning you can take everything into the lens, so this lens was lovely to landscape and architecture photographers in the early days. Later many fashion photographers also liked it.

The structure of the Hologon looks very simple. The Hologon 15mm f/8 was first used on a special ultra-wide-angle…



LI Sam

Leica, GR3, Sony, Minolta & Film user, Street Photographer based in Portugal… 小小的器材控,近年學習放下器材,走進行頭小巷拍攝生活日常的小事小景