Three Years with Leica M10-D。Less is More。 Digital Body Analog Soul

Enjoy the Sense of Film Camera Control and the Convenience of the Digital Post-Processing

LI Sam
Published in
17 min readJan 6, 2022


2021 Leica M / LTM lens + M10D in the author’s hands

“Let go” makes you more focused on shooting

I have used the M10D for more than two years. The most prominent feeling is that I have control of a film camera or use the M10D as a film camera. When I go out to shoot, I only pay attention to whether I have an SD card and sufficient battery. Before shooting, I also tried to adjust the shutter value to B by mistake. After taking a few shots or a period, I noticed that the shutter sound time differed from the expected time before I found the shutter problem. But it also develops, will pay more attention to the length of the shutter sound.

The most significant value for me with the Leica M is probably the Rangefinder type focus method or the simplicity of the overall M experience… The M10D pushes these to the extreme or restores the basics… It feels like using a film camera when shooting, just powering on, adjusting ISO, aperture, manual focus…

Just like other friends who use M cameras, most of the time, when you use M cameras, you will have one camera with one lens, either 35mm or 50mm… Give up too many equipment options. Just use a…



LI Sam

Leica, GR3, Sony, Minolta & Film user, Street Photographer based in Portugal… 小小的器材控,近年學習放下器材,走進行頭小巷拍攝生活日常的小事小景