Ricoh GR3 Applied different Film simulation recipes

E100G , Classic Chrome, Kodak Portra applied on GR3

LI Sam
Published in
7 min readJun 18, 2021


Today we are going to introduce Ricoh GR3 Applied different Film simulation recipes to make the similar film looks …For many GR3 users, the direct camera’s Jpeg is necessary or attractive…

**you can use these setting for direct jpeg output

If u are shooting DNG file u can use gr3 internal “raw development” function to apply different film setting …

In fact, the easiest way to test the Film style file or different colour/custom white balance is through the “RAW Development” in the camera body… I put back the past GR3 DNG file (which placed on the computer) to the GR3 camera again and experience the effect of the direct camera settings through RAW processing again…

Different custom film style files require additional EV compensation. Still, the good thing is that “what you see is what you get”. The only bad thing is that the exposure compensation is only +/- EV1…

Simply try to share a few of my’s favourite GR3 film camera settings photos … all photos are GR3 RAW in the GR3 body adjustment settings made. The most commonly used is to modify the exposure…



LI Sam

Leica, GR3, Sony, Minolta & Film user, Street Photographer based in Portugal… 小小的器材控,近年學習放下器材,走進行頭小巷拍攝生活日常的小事小景