Ricoh GR3 / GR2 Custom JPEG Film Simulation Settings

Kodak Chrome, Natural Negative, Monochrome Film : Set up demonstration and Operation Method with Photo Samples

LI Sam
Published in
8 min readSep 12, 2021


The direct colour output from the Fujifilm body or the “Film simulation formula” that allows you to adjust many of your negatives has always fascinated us… We can also use the Ricoh GR3 like a Fujifilm body to change the colour settings of your GR3 by updating the settings in the body to produce different colour effects on your negatives.

Today I would like to introduce Ritchie Roesch, who has been sharing many Fuji analogue colour recipes on his Fujifilm X Weekly in the past. He has recently set up another section to share his Ricoh GR3/3x, and GR1/2 colouring recipes and the settings on the website are also free to share. The Ricoh Recipes App will be available for mobile phones shortly…

RITCHIE’S RICOH RECIPES — Custom JPEG Settings for Ricoh GR Cameras

Shares and demonstrates a few RITCHIE’S RICOH RECIPES setup files

The easiest way to test a negative style file or a different colour/custom white balance is to use the “RAW Develpment”, Another value that will definitely be changed is the “Exposure Compensation”, which varies from one custom negative style file to…



LI Sam

Leica, GR3, Sony, Minolta & Film user, Street Photographer based in Portugal… 小小的器材控,近年學習放下器材,走進行頭小巷拍攝生活日常的小事小景