RoleCoin Explained

Clarence Wooten
Published in
2 min readJun 16, 2018

RoleCoin is a payment coin for education

You earn RoleCoin by making progress or by helping others make progress (more here).

You can spend RoleCoin on your education and career development.

Over 100 colleges and universities worldwide are slated to accept RoleCoin including:

Accepting RoleCoin as payment for eLearning via Kadenze/Kannu — Proof-of-Progress Protocol integration.

There is a huge skills and opportunity gap. There are more opportunities requiring skills in science, technology, engineering, art/design, and mathematics (STEAM skills) then there are workers qualified to fill them. Companies are not able to hire the talent that they need.

RoleCoin incentivizes students and professionals to gain the skills required to be hired or advance in their careers (more here).

RoleCoin brings together people with opportunities and fixes the skills gap that separates them (more here).

RoleCoin provides Proof-of-Progress and makes skills development transparent by reporting progress up the blockchain to prior owners of each RoleCoin (demo here).


Companies, foundations, impact investors, and individuals like you can gift RoleCoin as a reward and track the results as future or current employees as they acquire skills or inspire others to learn skills.

RoleCoin is not a speculative coin, it is a coin that will be used to purchase real world educational and career development products and services (more here).

The demand for RoleCoin will be driven by companies need to hire qualified talent. RoleCoin provides an incentive to learn STEM/STEAM skills funded by corporates that need those skills.

If you don’t consistently learn, you become irrelevant to the economy quickly — RoleCoin is the incentive mechanism for continuous learning.


RoleCoin is built on the blockchain. RoleCoin is the creator of the World’s first Proof-of-Progress (PoP) protocol and accompanying dashboard. Proof-of-Progress brings transparency to skills and career development. Proof-of-Progress tracks and measures the skill and career development progress of the RoleCoin user and reports it back to prior owners of the RoleCoin via RoleCoin’s Proof-of-Progress dashboard and protocol.

Merchants & Partners:

RoleCoin merchants implement RoleCoin’s Proof-of-Progress protocol to make learning and career development transparent.

If you want to incentivize continuous learning, partner with RoleCoin, accept RoleCoin as a form of payment, and give RoleCoin as a form of reward.

Learn more at



Clarence Wooten

Multi-successful, multi-failure tech entrepreneur. Founder of ImageCafe (acquired by VeriSign), Progressly (acquired by Box), Groupsite, etc.