D&D and the Art of Absurdity: A Look at the Silliest Rules in Dungeons and Dragons!

Keith Stevens
Rolling the Dice
Published in
3 min readJun 28, 2023
Some random gaming stuff.

Ah, Dungeons & Dragons. An epic game of daring adventurers, epic quests, and… calculating carrying capacity? That’s right, folks. Today, we’ll delve into the wacky underbelly of the D&D rulebooks, where we’ll uncover rules so absurdly meticulous that they would make even the most pedantic wizard’s head spin.

First on our roll of honor: encumbrance. Because nothing screams ‘fantasy adventure’ quite like worrying about how much your orc barbarian can physically carry, right? Sure, you’re strong enough to grapple a troll, but heavens forbid you to pick up one more dagger without risking being ‘encumbered.’ Even though the rule adds realism to the game when your wizard is unleashing fireballs and your paladin is channeling divine energy, who really has time to worry about the weight of a spare set of chainmail?

Speaking of wizards, let’s discuss the spell components. Have you ever really read them? Some are reasonable, sure, but others are downright bizarre. Take ‘Gust of Wind,’ a spell requiring a legume seed. Yes, you read it right — your mighty, world-shattering wizard casually carries around beans. And let’s not forget ‘Glyph of Warding,’ which calls for incense and powdered diamond worth at least 200gp. Because we all know, nothing screams a ‘dangerous magical trap’ quite like the aroma of lavender and the sparkle of crushed diamonds.

Then there’s the ‘Remove Curse’ spell. Now, this is all well and good when dealing with traditional curses — but did you know it also works on lycanthropy? That’s right, werewolves, forget those dramatic moonlit nights of wrestling with your beastly nature — just find a friendly cleric, get a quick magical cleanse, and you’re all set. Who needs epic personal quests of self-discovery and redemption anyway?

Let’s venture into the wilderness next, where we find rules for getting lost. Having the mechanic itself is one thing, but the level of detail is what gets us. Did you know there are different degrees of getting lost? You could be ‘a little bit lost’ or ‘hopelessly lost.’ The rules even consider the kind of landscape you’re in! Forest? Easy to get lost. Desert? Harder. In the middle of a city? Surprisingly possible if your roll is terrible enough. Is it realistic? Yes. Is it still funny to imagine hardened adventurers wandering aimlessly around a single city block? Absolutely.

Finally, let’s talk about the ‘Sovereign Glue.’ This magical adhesive is a classic, but it raises some intriguing questions. The description says it takes a minute to set, and then it’s virtually unbreakable. So, what happens if you accidentally spill some on your armor? Or your fingers? Does the D&D universe have a magical equivalent of acetone? These are the questions that keep us up at night, folks.

All kidding aside, these seemingly absurd rules make Dungeons & Dragons so incredibly charming. In these quirky details and occasional realism intrusions, we find some of the best opportunities for humor and memorable moments. Whether it’s the barbarian struggling to pick up one more gold coin or the wizard frantically searching for his beans, these absurd rules add an extra sprinkle of hilarity and unpredictability to our epic tales of adventure.

So next time you question the sanity of the rulebooks, remember — it’s all part of the grand, glorious game. And if you ever get lost in a city, remember: it could always be worse. You could be carrying a backpack full of beans and diamonds.



Keith Stevens
Rolling the Dice

Tabletop RPG enthusiast for 40+ years. My blog navigates epic tales, game tips, industry news, and convention insights. Join in, let's roll the dice together!