Here Be Dragons: Why These Mythical Beasts Rule Our Fantasy Worlds!

Keith Stevens
Rolling the Dice
Published in
3 min readJun 28, 2023

Hold onto your chainmail, dear reader, because today we’re stepping into the flaming breath of the king of fantasy fauna — the Dragon! These magnificent beasts have soared through our stories for centuries, from ancient myths and medieval lore to the heart-pounding narratives of our favorite RPGs. Let’s embark on an epic quest to uncover why these legendary creatures continue to enrapture us and rule our fantasy realms!

To understand the allure of dragons, we must first take a leap back into the annals of human history. Across countless cultures, from the serpentine dragons of Eastern mythology to the fire-breathing monstrosities of the West, dragons have persisted as symbols of power, wisdom, and the primeval forces of nature. There’s something inherently awe-inspiring about a creature that can incinerate a village with a single breath and hoard the riches of a kingdom in its cavernous lair. As fantasy writer George R.R. Martin said, “If you want to conquer the world, you best have dragons.”

Dragons also offer a fascinating duality, a blend of beauty and terror, wisdom, and primal savagery. One moment, they’re soaring majestically against a sunset, shimmering scales gleaming; the next, they’re raining fiery doom upon their adversaries. This dichotomy creates an irresistible aura of mystery and grandeur that gives writers and game designers ample creative room to mold them into whatever their narrative requires.

Now, let’s teleport from the world of folklore to the realm of RPGs, where dragons have roosted comfortably atop the monster hierarchy for decades. Take the seminal RPG behemoth, Dungeons & Dragons. It’s not called “Hobbits & Halberds,” right? From the inception of D&D, dragons have been the star of the show. They are the name on the marquee, the final boss, the ultimate challenge for adventurers to overcome.

Why? First off, in gaming mechanics, dragons make for spectacular foes. They’re versatile enemies that challenge players on multiple fronts. With their hulking physical strength, potent magic, and daunting aerial prowess, a dragon is a tactical trifecta. A battle against a dragon isn’t just a test of power; it’s a trial of strategy, courage, and resourcefulness.

And let’s not forget the treasure! There’s something tantalizing about the heaps of gold, magic artifacts, and powerful weapons that dragons are famously known to hoard. This irresistible allure of wealth and power makes dragons walking, or flying, target signs for those brave or foolish enough to risk their ire. After all, who doesn’t dream of becoming a dragon-slaying, treasure-snatching hero?

In RPGs, dragons also offer a narrative jackpot. Their longevity allows them to serve as ancient scholars, wise advisors, or menacing villains shaping the world’s history. They are narrative catalysts that can propel plotlines, inspire quests, and foster dramatic revelations. Who hasn’t felt a chill down their spine when hearing the dreaded words: “You enter the cavern, and a deep, resonant voice echoes from the darkness…?”

But there’s more to dragons than just their prowess as enemies. Dragons can also be powerful allies, sources of wisdom, or even player characters. In systems like the Dragonlance setting for D&D or games like ‘World of Warcraft,’ dragon characters offer unique abilities and perspectives, expanding the gameplay experience beyond the conventional human-centric viewpoint.

In the end, the appeal of dragons boils down to their deep-rooted connection to our collective human imagination. They are magnificent embodiments of our fears, aspirations, and fascination with nature’s unfathomable power. Dragons evoke a sense of wonder, a taste of terror, and a call to adventure that few other creatures can match.

So, whether you’re a bard penning an epic ballad, a sorcerer seeking ancient wisdom, or a brave knight with a +3 enchanted longsword, remember this — in the world of fantasy, nothing screams ‘Adventure’ louder than the deafening roar of a dragon. Now gather your party, prep your spells, and steel yourself for the ultimate fantasy showdown. After all, as they say in Skyrim, “Dragonborn, it is your destiny!”



Keith Stevens
Rolling the Dice

Tabletop RPG enthusiast for 40+ years. My blog navigates epic tales, game tips, industry news, and convention insights. Join in, let's roll the dice together!