Navigating the Stars: Setting up Your Orville-Inspired Campaign in Stars Without Number’

Keith Stevens
Rolling the Dice
Published in
2 min readJun 28, 2023

Hello again, space explorers! Last time, we got our bearings in the universe of “The Orville” and matched it with the fantastic RPG system “Stars Without Number.” Now, let’s get our engines revving and dive into the nuts and bolts of setting up an Orville-inspired campaign. Grab your space suit and your rulebook — we’re blasting off!

Step 1: Charting Your Sector

“Stars Without Number” employs a sandbox approach to universe building, allowing you to craft a diverse sector of space teeming with planets, aliens, and cosmic phenomena. This works perfectly for “The Orville,” where the fun lies in exploring strange new worlds.

Don’t shy away from the ridiculous. Remember the planet of people worshipping reality TV in “The Orville”? Make your worlds unique and memorable, full of opportunities for comedic and dramatic adventures.

Step 2: Creating Your Crew

The heart of any Orville-inspired campaign will be the crew. The game’s class system is flexible enough to allow a diverse cast of characters, from the daring starship captain to the quirky alien scientist. Encourage your players to think outside the box — this isn’t just about what they can do, but who they are.

And don’t forget those backgrounds! From hilarious rivalries to past romantic entanglements, these can provide endless fodder for role-playing and interpersonal drama.

Step 3: The Ship: Your Home Among the Stars

Your ship is more than just a means of transportation — it’s a character in its own right. From its layout to its quirks and features, designing the ship can be a fun exercise for the group. It could be an aging vessel with a temperamental AI or a sleek new starship that still has a few bugs in the system.

Step 4: Factions and Politics

“Stars Without Number” has a robust faction system to simulate the larger universe. Much like the Planetary Union in “The Orville,” these factions provide a backdrop for your adventures, a source of missions, and a tool for generating larger-scale conflicts.

Step 5: Balancing Comedy and Drama

An Orville-inspired campaign should blend humor with genuine emotion and moral dilemmas. Don’t just plan your sessions around combat encounters. Mix in some diplomatic missions, first-contact scenarios, and exploratory ventures to uncharted planets. Embrace the zany, but don’t lose sight of the serious questions about humanity that “The Orville” loves to ask.

So there you have it — you’re all set to chart your course through the cosmos! Remember, in an Orville-inspired campaign, it’s about the journey, not just the destination. So buckle up, set your quantum drive to the max, and prepare for a star-studded adventure. Safe travels, space explorers!



Keith Stevens
Rolling the Dice

Tabletop RPG enthusiast for 40+ years. My blog navigates epic tales, game tips, industry news, and convention insights. Join in, let's roll the dice together!