Quantum Drives and Quantum Dice: The Orville TV Series and its Perfect RPG Match

Keith Stevens
Rolling the Dice
Published in
3 min readJun 28, 2023

Greetings, space adventurers! Grab your uniform and strap into the Captain’s chair — we’re heading into the farthest reaches of space, charting the hilarious and heart-warming corners of “The Orville” TV series. Then, prepare for a quantum leap as we match this space opera with a twist with its ideal RPG system. Set your phasers to ‘fun’ because it’s time to punch it!

The Orville: More than Meets the Eye

From the mind of “Family Guy” creator Seth MacFarlane, “The Orville” is a cosmic cocktail of comedy, drama, and science fiction. Often mistaken for a parody of “Star Trek,” it’s more of an homage — a love letter to classic space exploration tales with a distinctly contemporary twist.

At its heart, “The Orville” is about people — their hopes, fears, follies, and moments of greatness — all wrapped in the foil of a space adventure. There’s Ed Mercer, the optimistic but flawed Captain, navigating space and the awkwardness of working with his ex-wife. There’s Bortus, the stoic alien who loves karaoke, and Isaac, the not-so-emotionless artificial life form. “The Orville” excels at blending comedy, heartfelt character moments, and genuine moral quandaries — it’s space but with a whole lot of soul.

The RPG Match: Stars Without Number

Finding the perfect RPG system for “The Orville” is like discovering a habitable planet — you need the right conditions. Enter “Stars Without Number.” This sandbox RPG captures the vastness of space and the diversity of alien civilizations — a perfect backdrop for Orville-style adventures.

“Stars Without Number” provides space exploration, alien encounters, and ship combat mechanics, allowing for those thrilling outer-space showdowns. But where it really shines is in its character-driven mechanics. With a class system that encourages role-playing and a faction system to bring the universe to life, it’s perfectly geared for the kind of deep character exploration that “The Orville” excels.

Creating an Orville-Inspired Campaign

Running an Orville-inspired campaign means more than just spaceship battles and alien encounters. It’s about balancing humor, drama, and moral dilemmas. Whether it’s a comedic run-in with an alien species who worship Barry Manilow, a poignant exploration of cultural differences, or grappling with a rogue AI, the key is to not take yourself too seriously but take your characters very seriously.

Above all, remember the heart of “The Orville” — its characters. Let your players create their cast of space-faring misfits and encourage them to explore their quirks, backgrounds, and relationships. They may be navigating the stars, but they’re also navigating their lives, and that’s where the real adventure begins.

So, there you have it — we’ve charted the course for your Orville-inspired space adventures. Whether you’re a fan of “The Orville,” a sci-fi enthusiast, or just a role-player seeking a mix of laughter and lasers, give “Stars Without Number” a try. It’s time to set a course for adventure — the stars are waiting!



Keith Stevens
Rolling the Dice

Tabletop RPG enthusiast for 40+ years. My blog navigates epic tales, game tips, industry news, and convention insights. Join in, let's roll the dice together!