Roleplay or Ruin: The Pitfalls of “I’m Just Playing My Character” in RPGs

Keith Stevens
Rolling the Dice
Published in
3 min readJun 28, 2023

Hello, adventurers of all alignments! We sometimes encounter rough patches during our journey through the intricate tapestry of tabletop RPGs. Today, we’re tackling one of the most contentious ones: the notorious “I’m just playing my character” justification. So, put on your empathy caps, and let’s dive into the fray!

The Double-Edged Sword of Authenticity

Role-playing games offer an incredible playground to explore intricate personalities, diverse viewpoints, and dynamic character arcs. However, the pursuit of character authenticity can sometimes clash with group dynamics, leading to the infamous refrain: “I’m just playing my character!” While it can serve as a shield for immersive role-playing, it can also become a sword wielded against collective enjoyment.

Breaking the Game: When In-Character Equals Inconsiderate

So, your character is a kleptomaniac rogue who steals from fellow party members. Or a grimdark loner who refuses to cooperate. Or a chaotic prankster who derails the story for laughs. You’re just playing your character, right?


When “character authenticity” starts impacting other players’ fun, it’s no longer good role-playing — it’s being inconsiderate. It might be time to reevaluate if your ‘character traits’ consistently disrupt the game. Remember, RPGs are a shared experience, a delicate dance of give-and-take. Balancing character integrity with a sense of shared fun and camaraderie is crucial.

The Psychology Behind the Screen

Why do some players hide behind the “I’m just playing my character” defense? Several reasons can lead to this mindset. Some might crave the spotlight or the thrill of playing the contrarian. Others may need help to understand their actions’ impact or see the game as collaborative rather than competitive. And sometimes, it’s simply a disconnect between player and character expectations.

Solving the ‘Character’ Crisis

So, how do we mitigate this issue? Here are a few tips:

Empathy First: Understand that your character’s actions have consequences, not just in the game world, but at the game table. Empathize with your fellow players, valuing their fun as much as your own.

Flexibility over Dogmatism: Be open to character growth. People change, and so do characters. If a trait is causing friction, it’s time for a character arc!

Session Zero: Establish expectations, boundaries, and the campaign’s tone beforehand. A well-orchestrated Session Zero can nip many issues in the bud.

Open Communication: If you notice a player hiding behind this excuse, address the situation openly but gently. A respectful conversation can resolve many misunderstandings.

In the end, RPGs are about collective storytelling, a heroic journey embarked on together. So, the next time you hear (or use) “I’m just playing my character,” pause for a moment. Is it promoting a better story and more fun for everyone or diminishing the joy of shared adventure? The answer might just redefine your approach to the game. Happy gaming, everyone!



Keith Stevens
Rolling the Dice

Tabletop RPG enthusiast for 40+ years. My blog navigates epic tales, game tips, industry news, and convention insights. Join in, let's roll the dice together!