The Trials and Triumphs of The Rules Lawyer: A Balancing Act in RPGs

Keith Stevens
Rolling the Dice
Published in
3 min readJun 28, 2023

Greetings, dice rollers, and rulebook aficionados! Let’s delve into a character familiar to any RPG table: the Rules Lawyer. These players have an encyclopedic knowledge of the rulebook, ready to argue points of order down to the last footnote. Depending on how they wield their knowledge, they can be a boon or a bane. Today, we’ll sift through the evidence and see if we can reach a verdict!

The Good: A Walking Rulebook

Let’s start with the positive. Having a Rules Lawyer at your table can be like having a living, breathing rulebook on hand. Need more clarification about how grappling works? The Rules Lawyer has you covered. Need help with a complex spell? They’re already citing chapter and verse. For a DM juggling multiple responsibilities, having a player who can quickly reference rules can be a tremendous asset, speeding up gameplay and keeping things flowing smoothly.

The Bad: Objection Overruled!

On the flip side, Rules Lawyers can cause friction when their devotion to the rules overrides the spirit of the game. Their constant interjections can slow down the game and disrupt the narrative flow. They can frustrate other players and the DM, leading to a courtroom drama instead of a heroic adventure. Even if they’re technically correct, this insistence on the ‘letter of the law’ can deflate the fun and spark tension around the table.

The Why: Seeking Fairness or Control?

But why do some players become Rules Lawyers? For some, it’s about fairness. They see the rules as an impartial arbiter that ensures everyone is playing the same game. For others, it may be a desire for control, a way to influence the game and ensure predictability.

The Balance: Advocate, Not Adversary

So how do we harness the benefits of a Rules Lawyer without the courtroom drama? Here are a few pointers:

Define the Role: Let the Rules Lawyer know you value their knowledge, but set clear boundaries. They may be the go-to for quick rule checks, but they must understand that not every point needs arguing.

Foster a Collaborative Spirit: Emphasize that the game is a team effort, not a competition. The Rules Lawyer’s job isn’t to ‘win’ arguments but to help everyone have a better game.

Promote Rule Flexibility: Make it clear that sometimes, you’ll bend or ignore rules for the story’s sake or to keep things fun. A rulebook is a tool, not a tyrant.

Encourage Growth: Rules Lawyers can make great DMs, given their understanding of the game’s mechanics. Encourage them to try running a game — they may gain a new perspective on rules and rulings!

Remember, everyone around the table shares the common goal of having fun. With understanding, patience, and a little negotiation, your Rules Lawyer can swap their courtroom for a castle, trading objections for epic objectives. Court adjourned; let the adventure continue!



Keith Stevens
Rolling the Dice

Tabletop RPG enthusiast for 40+ years. My blog navigates epic tales, game tips, industry news, and convention insights. Join in, let's roll the dice together!