Here’s the Truth About Robot Sex Culture

Conservative ‘New York Times’ columnist Ross Douthat validated the concerns of a terrorist for the clicks

Rolling Stone


Credit: Lindsey Byrnes for Rolling Stone

By Ana Marie Cox

It’s been approximately a decade in online time since The New York Times published Ross Douthat’s cringey op-ed about the radicalization of “involuntarily celebates,” or “incels.” That’s time enough for the Trump White House to have cycled through three legal defenses and pundits to just have about exhausted the National Hot Take Reserves regarding the White House Correspondents’ Dinner. Whole meme ecosystems have died off and been replaced. Yet People Are Still Mad On The Internet about Douthat’s column, which — in case you were busy arguing about Kanye — bore the fastidiously ludicrous headline, “The Redistribution of Sex” and spent three paragraphs noodling about how “reactionaries and radicals” are worth paying attention to because they “see the world more clearly than the respectable and moderate and sane” before getting to the columnist’s money shot/hey-just-asking-here thesis: Could fuckable robots keep these angry loners from killing more women?

(I’ll just pause here to note that almost all discussion of sex robots skews not just heteronormative, but assumes that said robots would have more inputs than outputs, as it were.)…

