We Aren’t in the Throes of a ‘Sex Crisis’—But Men’s Rights Activists Think We Are

A new study finds that more young people than ever aren’t having sex, especially men

Rolling Stone


In a culture dominated by dating apps, where the ratio is skewed against men in many cities, and where women are increasingly delaying marriage in favor of professional and sexual self-empowerment, it’s not particularly shocking that some men may be getting the short end of the stick. Photo: RobertBreitpaul/iStock/Getty Images Plus

By EJ Dickson

According to a specific demographic of straight men on the internet, America is in the throes of a crisis — and it has nothing to do with opioid addiction or student loans or sexual assault or police shootings or health care for low-income people of color or climate change. No, the real crisis is that they aren’t having sex — and they’re demanding that something be done about it.

Of course, this in itself is not exactly news: the internet has always provided a platform for people of all ages and genders to voice their anger and frustration with various aspects of their lives, up to and including their less than satisfying sex lives. But as the voices of young white men are increasingly becoming louder, and as their frustration has been proven to yield devastating consequences, a new report has emerged that arguably gives credence to this specific concern.

According to the report from the University of Chicago General Social Survey, 23% of adults — nearly a quarter of Americans surveyed — had not had sex in the past year, up significantly from 2008, when the percentage of American…

