Why “Minus the Steam?”

There’s plenty of content for all you steamy romance lovers, but not near as much for those who prefer behind-the-bedroom-door romance.

Addey Vaters
Romance Lovers Anonymous


Photo by Gaelle Marcel on Unsplash

Something you probably noticed in the description of Romance Lovers Anonymous is the note that we’re all about romance here, but “minus the steam.”

If you’re a romance lover, you probably know what I mean here, but if you’re new to the genre, you might be a little confused. The steam I’m referring to here is, after all, not the kind that comes out of a boiling kettle. It is, though, the kind of steam that erupts from a romantic relationship when things start to reach a boiling point — the bedroom scenes, if you will.

So I wanted to explain a bit about what that means for Romance Lovers Anonymous, and why I want to create a place on the internet for all of us who appreciate a good romance with all the emotional tension, but a little less of the physical.

But first, a little background.

I don’t know if I’ve ever read a book that didn’t involve a romantic plotline. When I was in elementary school, my love for reading flourished and I devoured every book I could find at the library in our small little Tennessee town. Even then, most of the novels making up the…



Addey Vaters
Romance Lovers Anonymous

Writer, reader, cat lover, and tea drinker. Romance novelist in progress. Words in Adroit Journal, Vita Brevis, & others. AddeyVaters.com