
New Publication: Romancing Hearts

Love includes Romance

Mike Sansone
Romancing Hearts
Published in
2 min read4 days ago


close-up of two hands coming together to form a heart
Photo by Kristina Litvjak on Unsplash

Our original publication, Reaching Hearts, is for reaching hearts in many stories and thoughts. And it does. Most of our stories here are about friendships, family, or charitable love, and not so much about romantic love.

Our sister publication, Leadership Hearts, is designed to include stories and thoughts about leading with love in the workplace, the classroom, the playing field, and our homes and families. And it does.

Our newest publication, Romancing Hearts, is next and will focus on the wonderful world of romance. It is dedicated to what many people consider real, true love—the love that comes with romance (flowers, candy, and all the gifts that Hallmark cards and movies touch).

The submission guidelines are available and included in the Romancing Hearts publication. As usual, our desire is to promote love healing, though I’m well aware that love can hurt sometimes (people hurt, not love).

Healthy and Positive are the key. Included in the types of love can be:

  • Marriage
  • Dating
  • Courtship
  • Romance Fiction
  • True Romance
  • Meet Cute stories



Mike Sansone
Romancing Hearts

Hi :-) -We all want to laugh, be listened to, and want to be loved. Editor/Owner of these pubs : Reaching Hearts, Romancing Hearts, & Leadership Hearts.