Google Compute Engine : Load Balancer In Action

Romin Irani
Romin Irani’s Blog
2 min readApr 7, 2015

This week I introduced Google Cloud Platform to a select group of individuals. I wanted to show them the “Operational Simplicity” of the platform vis-a-vis the other IaaS providers.

I read an excellent book on Google Compute Engine (GCE) recently, which is a great tutorial on the various services available in GCE. I strongly recommend the book. One of the examples there was of a Load Balancer in Action, where the authors demonstrated spinning up a couple of Virtual Instances, setting them up with a Apache Web Server and then bringing them down and up again to demonstrate how the Load Balancer works. I thought that would be a great demo to show and full marks to the authors, I just went through the script but I did a little bit more, which I want to share with everyone.

Note: The demo script by the way can be done entirely from the command line / terminal — using the gcloud tool. So, while I do not have the permission to produce those set of instructions verbatim from the book, I think you will get the picture if you are familiar with the basic gcloud commands to:

  • create/list instances
  • create/list firewall rules
  • create/list target pools
  • create/list forwarding rules.

What I would like to share is a series of presentation slides that capture this demo visually, so that it is easy to explain to the audience what is going on.

You can view/download the presentation slides here too.

Feel free to use the slides as you want and if you give some twists to this demo, let me know — I would like to learn from it.

P.S: I have not coined the term “Operational Simplicity” but read this recently in the following article, which sums up the essence of Google Cloud Platform very well.



Romin Irani
Romin Irani’s Blog

My passion is to help developers succeed. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯