Tutorial : Getting Started with Google Actions with API.AI

Romin Irani
Romin Irani’s Blog
1 min readFeb 1, 2017

Chatbots are the rage these days. At a high level, they can be rule-based or AI-based. The general consensus is that AI-based Chatbots are hard to write but a combination of NLP and Machine Learning in your Chatbot can take it to the next level, beyond the current rule-based Chatbots that are very rigid, though they do perform their intended action.

Google opened up the Google Assistant platform for developers in December and currently the platform supports building out Conversation Actions for the Google Home device. It is widely expected that the same Actions will eventually be available across Google’s other devices and applications.

In my latest tutorial, published on ProgrammableWeb, I provide an introduction to how you can get started with Google Actions with an excellent platform API.AI, that Google acquired last year.

The tutorial covers the following:

  • Overview of Google Actions
  • Introduction to API.AI
  • Writing Intents in API.AI
  • Connecting to a Live API via Webhook Integration
  • Testing out on Google Home device

Tutorial Link : https://goo.gl/dtjwVG

I wish you a happy time writing your first Google Action and getting introduced to API.AI.

May a thousand Google Actions bloom ….



Romin Irani
Romin Irani’s Blog

My passion is to help developers succeed. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯