☄️ New portfolio: Affected Sectors. Coming soon on Roobee!

Published in
2 min readApr 7, 2021

We are delighted to announce that very soon we’ll be adding another portfolio that consists of four ETFs!

With just one click, you will be able to purchase the new Affected Sectors portfolio which includes shares of companies involved in the US energy sector, travel, transportation, and airline industries 🔥

The Affected Sectors portfolio comprises four ETFs:

  • Vanguard Energy ETF ($VDE)
  • ETFMG Travel Tech ETF ($AWAY)
  • US Global Jets ETF ($JETS)
  • First Trust Nasdaq Transportation ETF ($FTXR)

📝 Let’s take a closer look at each fund included in the Affected Sectors portfolio:

🔋Vanguard Energy ETF ($VDE)
The Vanguard Energy ETF offers broad exposure to US equity stocks in the energy industry. The fund tracks an index made up of stocks of large, mid-size, and small US companies within the energy sector, as classified under the Global Industry Classification Standard (GICS).

🛫 ETFMG Travel Tech ETF ($AWAY)
The fund seeks to invest in companies within the travel and transportation industries. AWAY tracks an index of businesses engaged in travel technology. The biggest holdings include Webjet, Booking Holdings, Uber, Lyft, and travel website operators like Trip.com and Expedia.

🛩 US Global Jets ETF ($JETS)
The fund tracks an index of companies involved in the air travel industry, including airline operators, manufacturers, airports, and terminal services. Top holdings include airlines like American, Southwest, United, and Delta. The bulk of its holdings are in North American securities, with smaller allocations to companies in Europe, Asia, and Latin America.

🚗 First Trust Nasdaq Transportation ETF ($FTXR)
The investment strategy of the fund consists of tracking an index composed of US transportation companies. The fund selects the 30 most liquid transportation stocks, including companies involved in marine transportation, railroads, trucking companies, airlines, delivery, and shipping. Holdings are selected by liquidity and then weighted based on volatility, value, and growth factors.

The Affected Sectors portfolio is a potentially useful tool for those who want to gain exposure to the energy sector, travel, and transportation industries.
Over the past year, the price of these funds rose by more than two times.

You’ll be able to buy the Affected Sectors portfolio with $BTC, $ETH, $USDT, or a bank card in the ‘Marketplace' section of the Roobee platform very soon!

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