A technical report from the development team.

Published in
4 min readDec 14, 2019

Over the past month, the Roobee development team has been focused on three areas:

  • The development team participated in the ETH Waterloo 2019 Ethereum hackathon in Canada. As a result, team Roobee was awarded two main sponsorship prizes provided by Skale Network and Torus.
  • During the past month, the focus of the development has been on the HyperLedger blockchain. An MVP version of a transaction recording system, based on the Hyperledger Fabric architecture, has been implemented.
  • Work has been done on the Roobee web version and the alpha version of the Roobee mobile app.

You can read all the details in our report.

1. Team Roobee at the ETHWaterloo 2019 Ethereum hackathon in Canada.

In November, the Roobee team participated in one of the crypto industry’s main events for 2019 — ETHWaterloo. It’s an event where Ethereum professionals and experts do a two-day sprint to create solutions that will improve the blockchain technology. Speakers and judges included Vitalik Buterin, the creator of Ethereum 🔥.

For 36 hours, the Roobee team was busy developing a game based on the Ethereum blockchain.
The Roobee team included:

  • Dan Kaizer (Head of Blockchain R&D)
  • Evan Golovanov (Product Owner)
  • Roobee’s Development Team Lead and our Front-end Developer
    By the way, this was not the first time that Dan Kaizer had taken part in the ETHWaterloo Ethereum hackathon. In 2017, as a member of the TherdEye team, Dan had won the hackathon’s first place, coming up with a solution for solving the problem of smart contract auditing 🏆

The game created by the Roobee developers did not leave the judges of the Ethereum hackathon indifferent.

As a result, the Roobee team won two main sponsorship prizes.

Congratulations to the Roobee development team on the achievement!

2. Hyperledger Fabric Samples

Over the past month, the focus of the development has been on the HyperLedger blockchain. We have published a research on Hyperledger Fabric.

Also, an MVP version of a transaction recording system, based on the Hyperledger Fabric architecture, has been implemented. In other words, it will provide a solid ground for further development of RoobeeNetwork — the network that Roobee’s blockchain, RoobeeChain, will be built upon.

The research is available on the GitHub link: https://github.com/roobee-platform/HyperLedger_research

3. Roobee platform development. Technological progress over the period 07.11.2019–13.12.2019

The web version:

  • The method of working with BitGo was overhauled. The system improved on stability and security. All connectors were moved to separate libraries
  • A test Amazon RDS was deployed
  • Fixed a bug related to BTC/USD price updating
  • Fixed a bug when paying for a portfolio via a credit card in the client
  • Bug fixes and testing
  • Other minor fixes

The mobile version:

Please note that the alpha version of the Roobee app is currently being tested in closed mode by the focus group. We’ll surely keep you updated on when the open testing will take place with the app being openly available for download.

Below is a report on the development and bug fixing for the alpha version of the Roobee mobile app.

  • Fixed an error in the returns chart.
  • The risk profiling section was improved. Risk profiling of users will be included in the next update of the app’s alpha version (will be available in the stores).
  • Testing with negative checks when entering a verification code during registration was performed.
  • The releases section of the admin dashboard was updated
  • Stress testing of the API’s front was performed
  • Tested adding to the cart digital assets that symbolize an investment produc
  • The payment process was tested
  • Navigation debugging was performed
  • Automated tests implemented
  • Improved stability
  • Other minor fixes.




Roobee is a blockchain-based investment platform. Website: https://roobee.io/