Artem Popov, co-founder of Roobee, met on the Malta-held event with Changpeng Zhao

Published in
2 min readApr 27, 2019

Artem Popov, co-founder of Roobee and a 300,000+ member community of investors, met on the Malta-held event with the CEO and founder of the largest crypto-exchange Binance, Changpeng Zhao, known in the crypto-community as “CZ”. They talked about cryptocurrencies, crypto market and investments. Artem had prepared some questions and Zhao was happy to answer them for our community of investors.

Artem Popov with Changpeng Zhao, founder and CEO of Binance

What are your plans on Dex and when are you going to release?

“I don’t want to promise any date. We are looking at the end of this year or early next year. We will have a test-net running for Dex. Our Dex is very simple — you can issue coins and you can trade them. The features are very simple, but it is very fast. When it’s fast — you have the volume.”

What do you think about potential blockchain projects? Which will be successful in future?

“That’s a very tough question. I think that any idea can be successful. It really depends on execution. If with the same idea you have different teams working, and some of them are working really hard, some are working less hard, then team that is working harder is more successful. So, that depends on many things. But I think we are just at the beginning of the industry, where are many ideas and any could be successful. It’s just a matter of when and who.”

The head of Binance is known for his modest behavior comparing to other crypto millionaires who became rich in the wake of the growing industry. He is older than many of his associates, but was never seen to be in addiction to luxuries or to living large.




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