Listing of ROOBEE on Mooniswap!

Published in
2 min readSep 28, 2020


We are happy to announce that now all users can make $ROOBEE swaps or become liquidity providers on the Mooniswap exchange!

Mooniswap launched on August 10 of this year by the developers of the biggest DEX liquidity aggregator 1inch.

Links to the exchange page and liquidity pool:

Mooniswap works in a way similar to that of the Uniswap, Sushiswap, and Balancer exchanges✌️

But there is more 👀

You can also swap $ROOBEE on

1inch is a liquidity aggregator that sources liquidity from different DEX exchanges. The main feature of this aggregator is that it allows users to swap tokens at the best rates on the market.

For example, there is $ROOBEE liquidity on four decentralized exchanges (Uniswap, Mooniswap, Sushiswap, and Balancer). 1Inch allows you to find the best $ROOBEE pricing and avoid slippage when swapping.

You can check how it works yourself: just connect your wallet (for instance, MetaMask) to, find the $ROOBEE token in the list, enter the desired amount, and you’ll be shown which of the pools offers the best exchange rate.

If you can’t find $ROOBEE by search, you’ll need to add the token manually.

How to add the $ROOBEE token:
1. Go to
2. Connect your wallet (for example, MetaMask)
3. Select “Add Custom Token”, as shown on the screenshot below
4. Enter the address of the $ROOBEE smart contract: 0xa31b1767e09f842ecfd4bc471fe44f830e3891aa

That’s it, the token is added. Now you are ready to make swaps at great rates ✅

We want to remind you that there is a bonus waiting for all users who provide liquidity. We will share the details tomorrow 🔥

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