Results of the review contest on TradingView.

Published in
1 min readJun 4, 2020

Yesterday, at 18:00 (UTC +3), the review contest on TradingView was closed. Thank you all for your active participation!

We’ve selected the winners in the two contest categories:

🌟 «Popular Review»
The winner is the entry that received the most likes during the contest period.

  • And the winner in this category is IvantsovDmitry!
    For getting the most likes, he is awarded an x2 multiplier to the amount of $ROOBEE to be received during the distribution. Congratulations 🎉

🌟 «Best Technical Analysis»
The winner is the user who posted the most in-depth and detailed technical analysis.

  • We’ve selected two winners in this category. Our winners are archangel077 and MaxTrex !
    For best technical analyses, they are awarded x2 multipliers to the amount of $ROOBEE to be received during the distribution. Congratulations to the winners 🎉

A prize pool of 100,000 $ROOBEE will be evenly split among all users who have posted a review/idea regarding the ROOBEE token and filled out the participation form. The winners in the above-mentioned categories will receive extra rewards.

All rewards for the event participants will be distributed within two weeks from the contest closing date ✌️

Thank you again for all the amazing entries!
Have a great day!




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