🚀 Roobee DeFi platform is live! 🚀

Published in
2 min readOct 29, 2020

We are delighted to announce that the Roobee DeFi platform has launched and is fully operational on the Ethereum network 🔥

✅ The platform is available via the link: Roobee.finance

The farming starts right now and will last for 60 days.

Don’t miss your chance to be among the first to farm ROOBEE to be able to earn the highest possible rewards!

💵 You can farm up to 30,000 $ROOBEE daily.

💡 Here’s what you need to do to start farming:
Add any amount of ROOBEE/ETH liquidity on Uniswap → Go to Roobee.Finance and click “Farming” → deposit LP tokens that you’ve received for providing liquidity on Uniswap. That’s it. Now you are farming ROOBEE!

We have also prepared guides for you where you can learn everything you need to know about ROOBEE farming:

How to add ROOBEE/ETH liquidity on Uniswap to farm ROOBEE
Detailed description of Roobee.Finance
How to farm ROOBEE on Roobee.Finance
How to stop farming ROOBEE

This launch is the next step towards strengthening ROOBEE’s position in the market and achieving mass adoption. Our new product will help to draw more attention from DeFi fans, closely integrate the ROOBEE token into the DeFi ecosystem, and provide users with more options for using the ROOBEE token.

We’ve got a few other exciting announcements on ROOBEE farming to come, and we’re looking forward to sharing all the details with you. In the meantime, enjoy using our new product, farm tokens for providing liquidity, and earn fees on users’ trades on Uniswap ✌️

You can keep track of the updates on Roobee social networks.

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Roobee is a blockchain-based investment platform. Website: https://roobee.io/