RoobeeFin’s work structure: 5 steps to creating an optimal portfolio 🖐 (part 1)

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3 min readJul 6, 2019

As we have already mentioned, the Roobee platform is being designed primarily for beginners. In some of our posts, we have talked about the RoobeeFin automatic financial assistant which will help beginners on the platform to build an investment portfolio.

We wrote about it here 👇

Today we’re going to talk about the work structure of RoobeeFin ❓

Let’s start by defining what RoobeeFin is.
RoobeeFin is a software module and an automatic financial assistant that creates a portfolio according to the user’s requests or operates in the mode of automatic investment recommendations.

The work structure of RoobeeFin can be divided into 5 steps:

1. Selecting asset classes and specific products for the platform with the help of the automatic RoobeeScore system;
2. User profiling;
3. User’s application processing and the process of selecting the investment mode most suitable for him;
4. Portfolio or strategy building;
5. Management of funds in accordance with the predetermined strategy (performed on the Roobee side).

Let’s split this post into several parts. In this part, we will talk about the first couple of the above-mentioned items.

  • As we have just stated in the first item, the automatic financial assistant will be selecting asset classes and specific products for the platform by utilizing the RoobeeScore automatic system 📝

A bit of info about RoobeeScore
RoobeeScore is an aggregator of investment products from various asset classes (for example, stocks, ETFs) approved to be added to the Roobee platform. Among the asset classes planned to be available on the platform are the following ones: stocks, ETFs, bonds, cryptocurrencies, IPOs, blockchain projects, various digitalizied objects (real estate, art pieces, etc.), VC investment, etc.

  • The second step for RoobeeFin will be user profiling.

It will be done on the basis of a traditional written test for risk profiling comprised of 18 questions. It will help to determine the user’s investment profile: investment horizon, preferred markets and asset classes, early withdrawals relevancy, his personal investment goals 🙌

It is important to note that in the future, the Roobee platform will be applying data analysis techniques based on data from social media and physiognomy (a method for determining the type of personality as well as a person’s mental qualities and health, which relies on the analysis of external facial features and facial expressions).

For instance, Cambridge Analytica uses such methods to prepare media campaigns, including US presidential elections and BREXIT. Social-media-based scoring is the most time-consuming and complex approach as far as technology is concerned. However, at the same time, it allows to come up with the most accurate results in the form of the optimal portfolio, since not only the risk profile but also the customer’s preferences for markets, asset classes, and his political position are being assessed.

✅ At the end of the profiling process, an application which contains all the beforementioned data necessary for creating a personalized investment portfolio/strategy will be formed.

In this post, we have explored how the process of selecting asset classes and specific products will be conducted, as well as we talked about user profiling. In the next part, we will talk about users’ applications processing and selecting the investment mode suitable for the user.




Roobee is a blockchain-based investment platform. Website: