Technical summary from the Roobee development team.

August 26, 2019.

2 min readAug 26, 2019


Greetings, everyone!

Thank you very much for your constant attention and support. We are pleased to present a new rubric dedicated to the development of the Roobee platform. Below you will find a progress report on Roobee platform development over the past two weeks.

From this report, you will find out:
— The technological process over the last two weeks;
— Roobee platform bug fixes;
— Current development priority.

In these recent weeks, the Roobee team has made a great deal of work on the technical aspect of the platform and on the upcoming release of Roobee’s platform testing.


The process of developing the platform is progressing exactly as shown in the Roobee roadmap. We still have time for completing all the tasks, before we start the fourth quarter with new targets to be set.

Technological progress for the period from the 12th of August 2019 to the 26th of August 2019:

  • We launched a mechanism for issuing digital assets that represent the ownership of investment products in the Kovan test network. These digital assets are now available on Etherscan.
  • A system of statuses and bonuses for usage of the Roobee tokens has been elaborated.
  • The option of assigning the portfolio a user desired name was implemented.

Bug fixes.

  • The module for handling the work with broker API was rewritten:
  • Fixed a problem with displaying price and profitability charts of user portfolios.
  • Fixed incorrect display of charts on some types of devices with resolution less than 1920x1080.
  • Fixed errors in data responsible for displaying charts.
  • And a lot of other minor fixes and improvements in the code and platform performance.

Current priority.

  • Our present focus is on developing the Roobee mobile application. In particular:
    — Styles;
    — Correct profile display;
    — Correct display of the investment portfolio and its component;
    — Correct display of the investment product card;
    — Investment method selection;
    — Portfolio checkout page;
    — Correct display of the wallet and its component on the platform;
    — User status information;
    — Status selection;
    — and a lot more.
  • There is also an active work on security and stable functioning of the application.
  • We are optimizing the investment products adding to the platform.

In a short time we will show to you how the Roobee mobile application will look like. Don’t miss it.

Thank you for your support!
Roobee team.




Roobee is a blockchain-based investment platform. Website: