Webinar: ISC2 — Endpoint Security is Sexy

Rook Security
Published in
1 min readJul 6, 2009

Join other ISC2 members to hear Rook’s J.J. Thompson present on Endpoint Security for the ISC2 E-Symposium in July.

Just ask your CFO, Privacy Officer, General Counsel, or even your CEO. Due to the recent increases in privacy regulations such as Red Flags, 201-CMR-17 and recent cases where the FTC has emerged as the new regulator to avoid in the court room, Executives with a seat at the big table have learned that one of the top risks that has re-focused Board attention back to IT is privacy and IP protection. Endpoint security, as a subset of a comprehensive data protection strategy, is one of the best opportunities to map into your company’s aggressive cost cutting plans as it can directly reduce enterprise risk and is an enabler to green IT initiatives. This session will discuss how to take advantage of the recession to the unique circumstances that IT security professionals are in to (1) be viewed as an enabler to strategic business initiatives by (2) quantifying the opportunities that can be created through (3) creation of a comprehensive data protection strategy starting with (4) securing the endpoint.



Rook Security
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Global provider of IT security solutions protecting against dynamic, emerging threats. -- Inc. 500 Company in 2014.