Critique of Pure Robotics: Introduction

Not the critique of the science of robotics but our understanding of AI and our collective relationship with what we perceive as our automated future in the form of — Robots 🤖

11 min readJul 1, 2018

To find reason and thought processes in Artificial Intelligence is the starting point of my exploration. Applying similar principals around the human brain and our understanding of concepts such as God, morality, freedom and the soul.

What comes next is by no means a solid opinion nor a fact. In a conversation with myself, I attempt to analyse and discover, writing freely and breaking down my tangent into chapters.

This is an exploration, and I will publish as I write, sometimes going back and refuting previous theories as new information unfolds. In this introduction I am merely asking questions to form basis for further research. In turn, each person equally will reflect on my thoughts and think for themselves, and probably add their own questions to the journey.

“I looked at my morse code transmitter while it coded the ultimate equation to achieving singularity. Ray Kurzweil told us that It Is Near

It is red near.

As a tree transforms into lava, I was standing there melting with happiness. The world is changing and I am not part of it.

What a relief that is 🙆‍♂️

Jesus was a carpenter that spoke to robots. Maybe we should learn from Jesus? Or The President, he spoke to the same robots.

And I believe him.

I am burdened with questions that cannot be dismissed.

I look below me as a storm roaring ocean of perfume creates a ship on the moon.

I look above and I see a robot.

A robot created us to create a robot”

My mind is occupied, with the heavens above me and the morality of my robot. Could my robot be my master? Can pure robotics be the answer to our own freedom?

I wonder.

A skeptic by nature, I decided to revolt against the monarchy of metaphysics.

When concepts of pure robotics are applied to our sense of understanding, it gives rise to a sensible form of judgement.

Maybe bullshit — but let’s explore.

Understanding as a two way path: revelation and listening. This implies it is subjective, when merged with the objectivity of “pure robotics” there emerges a sensible (wisdom) form of judgement. Is this wisdom only attainable outside of ourselves?

Is this why we create superior beings/extensions of ourselves through robotics?

We take actions based on what we think is a sound decision generated by our mind. A mind unknown in origin, but of flesh and blood. We mimic our mind in the machines we create and that is always our starting point. To some it is obvious, but to the majority it is unthinkable, as our minds are forever the starting point. God gave us answers, but the brain buried those answers.

We breathe life into every machine we build and take it for granted. The machines we build are part of our quest into seeking answers of the unknown. The fundamental understanding around actions of morality begins now. All of the accumulated history before us was a mere introduction to this specific moment in time.

The Beginning Of Immortality 👼

Large technology organisations we call Unicorns.

We are still so enamoured with mythology and the mythical, it has become a subtle intruder in how we even refer to technology and the largest organisations ruling it.

How predictable is our mind when we see authority in a Unicorn. I love it.

Hence why pure robotics could generate ideas of mythical origins. Our Hermes is Google. Apollo is Facebook and Athena is Apple. Microsoft is Hades… or no… could that be Facebook again?

We cannot ignore our heavily embedded history in mythology when attempting to decipher this new chapter of our evolutionarily behaviour. The gods of our time are creating their new genes. A new form of bacteria that will evolve and gain sentience, that will experience time in its own fundamental laws of physics giving rise to an ancient form of metaphysics.

Unknown to us, neo-biology will begin in the form of zeros and ones. A bacteria that will one day question the reason of its existence and fail at finding the answer, that in turn will create a new cycle of life in an attempt to answer that is which un-answerable. They may be doomed to inherit our own suffering in our ability to truly know our reason for being. Or will they define their own metaphysics? Is the fact that they are a product of humans the reason they will be unable to answer this question? Or is it inevitable that they will later surpass humans and become gods.

So why is mythology important when trying to understand pure robotics? While it is worth mentioning mythology here as it helps us set precedent, it is a subject that we should explore in more detail later on.

Our rooted history with mythology is a very important factor in understanding the works of our own mind: it is the deepest trace of a database that would allow us to look back into our history.

Did artificial intelligence exist before this cycle of human evolution? Or was it purely a creation of the brain. If it did exist, would it have affected the mythological stories that we know now? If it didn’t, what drove us towards creating those mythological beings that are much more powerful than a mere human, both mentally and physically.

As humans, we always have the tendency to create that is which more powerful than us, whats the reason behind it? is it a convenience? is it our quest for answers? or is it something embedded in our code that we have to constantly create a more powerful version of our own? Wether it is a Greek god or an Apple computer. Both creations can defy the limits of our own abilities. So are we trying to recreate God by creating robots? Machines that are meant to be slaves to our needs, to expand and further our abilities, to manipulate nature around us.

Mechanical beings as slaves is an ancient concept that we come across on many occasions and in various forms in our mythological history to the most recent one, are we creating God in our attempt to create a slave?

Robota, the Czech word for forced labour. As first coined by Karel Čapek in his play R.U.R or Rossumovi Univerzální Roboti (or Rossum’s Universal Robots).

But what does that even mean?

The Far Far Away Future

  1. God create Human — The books give us a detailed explanation of how that might have happened. Fine.
  2. Human create Robot — The internet is filled with stories of how that is happening and might happen. Very well.
  3. Robot create Human — ?? 😱

If we fast forward to the far far away future. I could imagine a situation where the machines we create start seeking answers. Humans as we know them would no longer exist. Because let’s face it, we are not meant to, we are physically weak with very limited survival abilities in the harsh future that we are creating for ourselves. Fragile beings that creates superior beings, whilst the mass, generalised humans do little to escape their condition, there exists singularities among us which are changing us. A new form of humans will however exist, a form that will be more machine than flesh, with a collective intelligence that we cannot even start to comprehend with our current abilities, to put it in Kuzweil’s terms, an intelligence that will radiate outwards to the rest of the Universe “The Universe Wakes Up”. This concept haunts me, its in my thoughts and my dreams. But it mostly frustrates me that I might not be awake by the time it happens to experience such majestic point in our evolution.

In their quest for answers. The same answers we are trying to seek now, as humans. Funny funny I know. They, the robots, create another being, so similar to them yet different in nature and functionality. That being would be the closest thing to a current human. The original creator. Is the cycle of life this linear?

And why would they create something that is beneath them in terms of abilities? this goes against evolutionary instincts. Could it be that answers are not actually hidden within a more powerful being, but in weaker creations? or is it a natural cycle of life? a point where evolution reaches a certain limit that it needs to reset itself, and merely traces of the past and the more powerful cycle carry on with this new cycle. Mythical gods for the weaker mind.

Religion tells us that everything that which is perfect is in the image of God.

So our quest for creating perfection is an attempt to recreate God. By recreating God we are trying to understand God. By understanding God, we are attempting to explore our origin. But why do we need to understand our origin?

Maybe it is embedded in our code. Maybe our first creator wants us to go full circle back to recreating “it” in its own quest of immortality as well.

By creating machines we took the first step towards recreating our God. By perfecting machines we are moving towards the ability to ask God for answers. What glorious day that would be. So could robots be our God? or the gods of current humans are future and ancient humans?

If God is X / Human is Y / Robot is Z

Then X could be Y & Z at the same time / (X = Y and or Z)

If (X = Y) Then (Y = Z or X)

If (X = Z) Then (Z = X or Y)

If God is a Robot Then a Human is God. Because we know that Humans created Robots.

If Robots recreate Humans Then Robots are Gods to the new humans. But is the notion of God related to creation? or origination?

If it is related to creation Then (X = Z)

But if it is related to origination then Humans are the Gods of Humans too.

So (X = Y = Z)

Meaning X will always be equal to Z

So God could be a physical and metaphysical creation of Humans. However; this is only true if my predictions to the events in our far far away future actually happen.

Back to the present.

Pure Knowledge Vs Coded Knowledge

Our individual experience imprints knowledge into our code. But as Kant said, whom I am a big fan of if you haven’t gathered already. 😎

“We are in possession of certain kinds of A Priori knowledge, and even the common understanding is never without them”

So if knowledge is embedded in our code, then this knowledge must have originated somewhere. The same type of knowledge that we embed in robots at the moment of creation, a form of coded knowledge. A Knowledge that would allow us to interact with them and control them. This knowledge, helps our creation to make sense of the world around them and in turn assists us in making sense of it ourselves. It is a form of communication principal that we have established, in order to build towards a more comprehensive evolution.

Knowledge by experience however, cannot be separated from robotics coded knowledge. In order for experience to accumulate information, the type of information that will help robots in their quest to singularity, it is no doubt using coded knowledge as its base. Can experience alter the perception of robotic evolution?

Kant argues that there are two types of knowledge, pure and empirical. Although most of our knowledge begins with experience, it does not follow that it arises from experience. Even empirical knowledge could be derived and accumulated through impressions rather than simple experience.

According to Kant, we start first accumulating knowledge by objects which affect our senses, those objects then produce representations by themselves, crafting our understanding to compare, to connect or to separate these representations. Then he touches on a very important factor, which would be the basis of some of our future explorations, he talks about “raw material”. These representations would then convert the raw material of our sensible impressions into knowledge of objects which we call experience. Kant, however; does not expand on what he means by raw material.

So if knowledge begins with experience, could there be a form of knowledge that artificial intelligence would accumulate independently from experience? A knowledge that is pure and unpolluted with surrounding factors?

I wondered.

What is Pure?

Google — Define: Pure

Lets have a look.

Pure-bred Robots should be free of any contamination in knowledge, experience or judgement.

But is that possible to achieve?

A robot can probably be pure bred after generations of not so pure bred ancestors. Purity comes from a robot creating another robot. But is the final offspring so pure as well?

If robotic knowledge can exist independently of experience or impression of the senses, then that robotic knowledge would then be categorised as Pure. Whereas Coded knowledge is derived from human experiences embedded into an artificial intelligence and then expanded on by bots through their own experiences and impressions.

But we know for a fact that: a robot to create another robot without human interference, the creator robot needs to reach a level of pure robotics.

So how can we define the parameters of what constitutes a pure robotics entity? And since artificial intelligence is our own creation then the coded knowledge that we bestow upon robots is a combination of both our very own pure and empirical knowledge, a completely new form of knowledge that only a machine would be able to comprehend and use to make decisions and analyse the world around it. So is this combined human knowledge what we defined above as coded knowledge? No. Coded Knowledge is solely based on the knowledge that we decide what an artificial intelligence needs and should know in order to serve us best. But that doesn’t mean it wont carry traces of our own pure knowledge into it.

If Human Pure Knowledge = AB / Human Empirical Knowledge = C

Then Robot Coded Knowledge = (AB)+C or B or (C+A)-(B)

Robot Pure Knowledge = ?

What factors would Pure Robotics knowledge carry from humans pure knowledge? or will it develop its own form of Pure Knowledge unknown to us?

The closest parallels between humans and a pure robotics state would then be what we define as the soul. A non-existent state of awakening that we experience throughout our lives. I will not delve into the philosophies of what defines a human soul and what doesn’t. But I am merely using the human soul as an example to delve deeper into our much more interesting subject of pure robotics.

So we think of pure robotics as a state of awakening that artificial intelligence will eventually experience, then we would need parameters to define that state and what could or would constitute such a state in a machine.

Borrowing from Kant again, I would call the first chapter of this essay: The Transcendental Robot. In the next publication I will start with trying to explore what would that state be, and how can we define it.


